Assessment of cybersecurity threats and defense mechanisms in wireless sensor networks
Elham Alotaibi ;
Rejwan Bin Sulaiman ;
Mohammed Almaiah
Published: 2025/02/20
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a rapidly advancing technology and serve as a foundational component for the Internet of Things (IoT) and various other domains, including healthcare, education, surveillance, military applications, and more. These networks possess unique characteristics such as limited memory, battery life, and processing power, as well as the ability to be deployed in remote or inaccessible areas. While these features enable their widespread use, they also impose significant constraints, making the implementation of robust security and protection mechanisms a complex challenge. This research paper examines a collection of recent scientific studies and proposals aimed at enhancing the security of wireless sensor networks against diverse types of attacks. The primary objective of this study is to explore the common challenges faced by WSNs as an emerging technology. Through a comprehensive review of existing research and practical implementations, it identifies potential risks and threats, evaluates current security measures, and analyzes the outcomes of these studies to provide insights for future advancements in the field.
How to Cite the Article
Alotaibi, E., Bin Sulaiman, R., & Almaiah, M. (2025). Assessment of cybersecurity threats and defense mechanisms in wireless sensor networks. Journal of Cyber Security and Risk Auditing, 2025(1), 47–59.
Assessment of cybersecurity threats and defense mechanisms in wireless sensor networks is licensed under CC BY 4.0
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